Volunteer at Gateway Arch National Park!
April is National Volunteer Month! If you are looking to get involved this year, look no further than Gateway Arch National Park. Here’s how you can get make a positive impact and support St. Louis’ urban national park!
The Gateway Arch Park Foundation and the National Park Service recruit individual volunteers on an as-needed basis. Individual service volunteers work with both organizations in the following departments:
Gateway Arch Park Foundation
- Operations
- Communication
- Development
- Events
Gateway Arch National Park
- Administration
- Education and Interpretation
- Library and Museum
- Grounds Keeping
- Visitor Services
Volunteer opportunities are also available on designated days of service, which demonstrate and celebrate the power of volunteers working together to support neighborhoods, communities and the world. The National Park Service participates in national and local days of service to help preserve the national park for years to come, including National Public Lands Day (September), National Park Week (April), National Volunteer Week (April) and Family Volunteer Day (November).
Volunteering also has its perks, including an annual general membership to the Gateway Arch Park Foundation, free parking during volunteer hours, and more!
If you are interested in volunteering at Gateway Arch National Park, the Gateway Arch Park Foundation’s volunteer page on their website will help you get started.